Aches Away Product Details
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), arthritis and joint pain are viewed as a result of an imbalance in the body's energy or Qi (pronounced "chee"). According to TCM principles, the body's Qi flows through meridians or channels that connect the internal organs and various parts of the body, including the joints. When the Qi is flowing smoothly, the body is in a state of balance and harmony, but if there is an obstruction or blockage in the flow of Qi, it can lead to pain and inflammation.
TCM practitioners believe that arthritis and joint pain are caused by a combination of external and internal factors, including exposure to cold and dampness, poor diet, and emotional stress. These factors can lead to an accumulation of Qi stagnation or dampness in the joints, which can cause pain, stiffness, and inflammation.
To correct these imbalances, one method is to utilize the meridians in the feet that are believed to be connected to various organs and systems in the body, including those involved with joint and muscle issues.. A foot soak or foot bath can be used to stimulate the meridians in the feet to support address arthritis. The traditional herbs used in footbaths, reduce inflammation, alleviate pain and reduce arthritis symptoms in the joints.
Each package of Aches Away Soak by Traditional Foot Soaks contain two 2 oz. packets for 2 treatments.
Traditional foot soaks are not generally considered a healing modality in the west but have been used for generations in the east.
Bai Shao (Paeonia Lactiflora) or White Peony Root
Works through the Liver and Spleen Meridians.
Du Huo (Angelica pubescens) or Pubescent Angelica root
Works through the Liver, Kidney and Urinary Bladder Meridian.
Fang Feng (Ledebouriella divaricate) or Siler Root
Works through Urinary Bladder, Liver and Spleen Meridians
Ge Gen (Pueraria lobata) or Pueraria Root)
Works through Spleen and Stomach Meridians
Hu Zhang (Polygonum Cuspidatum) or Japanese Knotweed
Works through the Liver and Kidney Meridians
Pine Tree Needles (Pinus Strobus)
Works through the Lung Meridian
Shen Jin Cao (Hedyotis Diffusa) or Japanese Clubmoss
Works through the Liver Meridian.
Each package of Aches Away Soak by Traditional Foot Soaks contains a 1 oz. packet containing 2 treatments.
You may also add a 1/2 cup of epsom salts into the foot bath if you want the benefits of additional magnesium. Please make sure there are not other chemicals or additions in the epsom salts so as not to defeat the benefits of our traditional Chinese herbs.
How to use our traditional Foot soaks
Place 1/2 of the packet in a pot of water & bring to a boil.
Reduce heat & simmer for 20 minutes
Allow to cool to 105-112F & pour into the foot bath. Set temperature to warm level.
Add additional warm water to cover feet to ankle level.
Soak feet for 20-30 minutes.
Remove feet, dry off with a towel and put on slippers.
Store remaining contents of packet for use another time.
Place 1/2 of the packet in a pot of water & bring to a boil.
Reduce heat & simmer for 20 minutes.
Allow to cool to 105-112F & pour into the foot bath. Add additional warm water to cover feet to ankle level.
Soak feet for 20-30 minutes
Keep a kettle with hot water close to you to add as water cools off. Water should remain warm for entire period. Make sure the water in the foot basin is not too hot when adding additional water. to avoid burning oneself.
Remove feet, dry with towel & put on slippers.
Store remaining contents of packet until next use.